The United - Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept Textbook: A Compensatory Counter-Racist Code
I, Neely Fuller, Jr., the writer/author of these books, like millions of others, have been a long-time Victim of and Servant to Racism (White Supremacy) in all areas of activity. My experiences, observations, and/or studies have led me to believe...
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The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept: A Compensatory Counter-Racist Codified Word Guide
  Neely Fuller, Jr. has constructed one of the most important books/concepts to help permanently eliminate Racism. His principle contention is this: "If you don't understand Racism - what it is and how it works - everything else that you...
$34.95 $27.95
The united-independent compensatory code/system/concept: A textbook/workbook for thought, speech, and/or action, for victims of *racism (white supremacy)
  Neely Fuller, Jr. has constructed one of the most important books/concepts to help permanently eliminate Racism. His principle contention is this: "If you don't understand Racism - what it is and how it works - everything else that you...
$34.95 $21.95
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