Ifism, Vols. 10, 11, 12, & 13: The Odus of Ogunda, Osa, Etura & Irete
In this volume, IFISM - The Complete Works of Orunmila. Volumes Ten-Eleven-Twelve-Thirteen, The Odu of Ogunda, Osa, Eutura and Irete, Mr. Cromwell Osamaro Ibie continues his revelations of the Odu (sacred text of Ifa). In addition to revealing the earthly...
African Presence in Early Europe
This book places into perspective the role of the African in world civilization, in particular his little-known contributions to the advancement of Europe. A major essay on the evolution of the Caucasoid discusses recent scientific discoveries of the African fatherhood...
$79.99 $54.99
Ifism : The Complete Works of Orunmila, Volumes 8 & 9
In this Volume, Mr. C. Osamaro Ibie continues his revelations of the Odus (Sacred text of Ifa). In addition to revealing the earthly works performed by each Odu (Disciple of Òrúnmìlà), Mr. Ibie also gives account as in his previous...
Black Britannia: A History of Blacks in Britain (Paperback)
Paperback‏ : ‎ 316 pages Brawtley Caribbean Series ISBN: 9781647540524 This book documents the role of Blacks in the social, economic, and cultural development of Britain from the seventeenth through the twentieth century. 
Revelation: The Movement of the Akan People from Kanaan to Ghana
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 532 pages The book is an attempt to explain the true origin of the Akan race, their language and symbols in a format where many readers can learn about one of the richest treasures of the Afrikan...
$75.00 $65.00
The Healing Power of Sacrifice
The chief purposes of this book are three: first, to give a lucid account of the typical day-to-day activities of Ifá priests with a view to highlighting their preoccupations, personalities and perspectives as custodial of Yorùbá religion, culture and philosophy....
$34.95 $24.99
The third book in a 3-volume set, The Need for a Black Bible is a companion volume to African Origins of the Major Western Religions and The Myth of Genesis and Exodus and the Exclusion of Their African Origins.
from $39.95
Publisher: Yoruba Theological Archministry ISBN: 9781881244219
A Chronology of the Bible
Product details   Language : English Paperback : 30 pages ISBN-13 : 9780933121287
$10.00 $6.00
A Chronology of the Bible
Product details Publisher : African Tree Press (June 16, 2015) Language : English Paperback : 30 pages ISBN-10 : 1592327257 ISBN-13 : 978-1592327256
$10.00 $6.00
Ex absurdo sequitur quodlibet
Usually shunned, condemned or narcotised as quickly as acknowledged, the absurd remains nevertheless a large part of reality. Loyal to their poetic pen, Teena and Yanee Dewoo choose to embrace and transcribe a fragment thereof in this book, in the...
Epistle to Afrophobic South Africa
When many African countries ganged up against the white apartheid regime, nobody thought Black South Africans, in a jiffy, would barbarously unleash Afrophobia against their own Blacks brethren they derogatorily call makwerekwere or foreigners. This poesy chides South Africans and Africans who...
Bill F. Ndi, poet, playwright, storyteller, literary critic, translator, historian of ideas and mentalities and academic is household name in Anglophone Cameroonian poetry. He has held teaching positions in several universities in Australia, France, and elsewhere. He now teaches at...
Environmental F(r)iction: The Illusion of Progress / The Progress of Illusion
So much ink has already been spilled on the issues of climate change. In this collection, Bill F. Ndi blends environmental sciences with poetic art in a bid to make the strange ordinary and the ordinary strangely extraordinary. The poems...
Enslaved: Trapped and Trafficked in Digital Black Holes: Human Trafficking Trajectories to Libya
Eritrean refugees are being trafficked and enslaved in Libya, where they are tortured to force relatives to pay a ransom for their release. Labelled with a digital code, they are moved along in the possession of the traffickers through a...
Eni and Other Poems
Eni kaleidoscopically unveils human intrigues, predicaments and woes. It brings into sharp focus the most dreaded products of cruel oppression, exploitation, and destruction--the worst forms of human degradation and sufferings. However, it also sheds beams of hope, celebrating optimism in...
Echoes of Grace
Pearl, a young woman, embarks on a journey of self-discovery, navigating the complexities of class, culture, and identity. Guided by the resolute support of her mentor, Father Honeywell, she confronts societal expectations, overcomes personal setbacks, and makes difficult choices that...
Echoes of a Whisper
Lughano Mwangwegho's Echoes of a Whisper is an imaginative array of poetic verse steeped in Africa and tackling the fraught space of being betwixt and between, within and without, memory and the present. Love runs avidly as a theme throughout and imagery...
Echo The Giant
"From 'Ode to Harry' to 'Black on White Screams, Dewoo's poems ripple along psycho-cultural dimensions, where the terseness of her language rumbles, her epigraphic-like renditions compel, and the topicality of her themes flickers as the profane and the sacred roar...
New Orleans Pharaoh: A Tribute to Dr. Maurice M. Martinez
This poetry book is a tribute to my father Dr. Maurice M. Martinez, Renaissance Man, Professor Emeritus UNCW, Former Professor Hunter College, CUNY, Protégé of Langston Hughes, Second African American in History to publish a Photobook that also contained Poetry,...
From Man To Superman: Dr. John Henrik Clarke vs. Herman Cain: The most in-depth discussion of race and African history since J.A. Rogers’ book From Superman to Man
This book is the sequel to J.A. Rogers’ book: From Superman to Man and is an introduction to the field of African Studies. Here are 2 reviews by prominent scholars in the field of African Studies and former colleagues of...
Akhenaten's Dreams
From the Author of the books: The Real Wakandas of Africa and The Great Wall of AfricaAkhenaten was the first Egyptian (Kemet's first) pharaoh to unite a nation under the concept of one God. In this thrilling work of historical...
Dust, Spittle and Wind
Dust, Spittle & Wind is a story of youth, dreams of innocence and transcendence told within a postcolonial setting. It follows Olu Ray, the main character of the novel through a bitter-sweet journey of loss and self-realisation. The novel focuses...
Durorp-English Dictionary
Durorp-English Dictionary is probably the first attempt at compiling a comprehensive Dictionary of Durorp, the language of the people of Korup. It is a bilingual Dictionary aimed at stimulating literary interests in the study and development of Durorp as a...
Diminishing Corruptive Practices in the Public Hospital System of Cameroon: A Qualitative Multiple Case Study
Corrupt business and management practices exist at all levels within the public hospital system (PHS) in Cameroon and are of increasing concern among the polity as the perceptions of key stakeholders who work within the system has not been examined...
'Dignity of Labour' for African Leaders: The Formation of Education Policy in the British Colonial Office and Achimota School on the Gold Coast
From 1910 to the 1930s, educating Africans was a major preoccupation in the metropole and in the colonies of imperial Britain. This richly researched book untangles the discourse on education for African leaders, which involved diverse actors such as colonial...
Development and Subsistence in Globalising Africa: Beyond the Dichotomy (African Potentials)
In Africa, people striving to live and survive under the complex relationship between development and subsistence have been directly or indirectly feeling influences of globalisation. As Africa's involvement in globalisation deepens, social phenomena are apparently synchronizing or becoming more similar...

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