Legendary Pirates: The Life and Legacy of Calico Jack

ISBN: 9781493648627
*Includes historic illustrations of Calico Jack and important people in his life.
*Includes a profile of Calico Jack from the famous English pirate history "A General History of the Pyrates".
*Discusses common legends about Calico Jack, Anne Bonny and Mary Read.
*Includes a Bibliography for further reading.
*Includes a Table of Contents.

“The Day that Rackam was executed, by special Favour, he was admitted to see [Anne Bonny]; but all the Comfort she gave him, was, that she was sorry to see him there, but if he had fought like a Man, he need not have been hang’d like a Dog.” - Captain Charles Johnson, A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates
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