Platinum Persuasion

By: India
ISBN: 9781645562269

A woman with tragic beginnings finds love and her voice on her way to stardom...will the spotlight dim her hard-earned shine?  

From the day Layani Cherise Bell was born, the world was betting against her. Born four months premature, the doctors didn't expect her to make it, but she did. At the age of six, Layani was diagnosed with leukemia. Again, the doctors gave her a death sentence, but she survived. As if that weren't enough, at the ripe age of 13, she lost her mother and father in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. With no family willing to step up and care for her, she was put into foster care.

Alone and afraid, Layani befriends and later falls in love with Micah Jones, another kid forced into the system after tragedy strikes his family. Not one to cry over spilled milk, Micah passes his time away in foster care by making beats for local artists and daydreaming about becoming a super producer. After hearing Layani sing better than some of the greats, he devotes all his time and energy to making her a star. With hard work, dedication, and his encouragement, she's destined for greatness.  

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