Aphrodite: The Origins and History of the Greek Goddess of Love

ISBN: 9781547148158
*Includes pictures
*Includes ancient descriptions of the goddess and myths
*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading
*Includes a table of contents

“However impious the apotheosis of sexuality may seem in the light of the Christian tradition, modern sensibility can nevertheless also appreciate how in the experience of love the loved one and indeed the whole world appears transfigured and joyously intensified, making all else seem insignificant, a tremendous power is revealed, a great duty.”

Attempting to cover all the forms the “Goddess of Love” encapsulates is no small affair. The roles she played in romance, marriage, procreation, and all of the other desires of humanity were myriad, but the aim of this book is to paint a slightly different, perhaps more esoteric version of Aphrodite from the usual image of her in mythology books.
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