Anubis: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Egyptian God of the Afterlife
To the ancient Egyptians, as was the case with any society made up of inquiring humans, the world was a confusing and often terrifying place of destruction, death, and unexplained phenomena. In order to make sense of such an existence,...
Hórus: A História e o Legado do Antigo Deus Egípcio, Filho de Ísis e Osíris
A África pode ter dado origem os primeiros humanos, enquanto o Egito, provavelmente, deu origem às primeiras grandes civilizações, que continuam a fascinar sociedades modernas por todo o mundo, mesmo depois de quase cinco mil anos. Da Biblioteca e do...
Horus: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Egyptian God Who Was the Son of Isis and Osiris
*Includes pictures*Includes ancient accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingAfrica may have given rise to the first human beings, and Egypt probably gave rise to the first great civilizations, which continue to fascinate modern societies across the globe...
Isis: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Egyptian God of the Dead
*Includes pictures*Includes ancient accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingAfrica may have given rise to the first human beings, and Egypt probably gave rise to the first great civilizations, which continue to fascinate modern societies across the globe...
Magic in Ancient Greece: The History and Legacy of the Religious Rituals Practiced by the Greeks
Magic today is the stuff of fairy tales and illusionists, something to titillate and perplex perhaps. But the prospect of taking magic seriously - despite the best efforts of occult movements in recent years, from the O.T.O. to the Chaos...
Osiris, Zeus, and Odin: The History of the Most Prominent Gods in the Ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Norse Pantheons
*Includes pictures*Includes ancient accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsGiven the abundance of funerary artifacts that have been found within the sands of Egypt, it sometimes seems as though the Ancient Egyptians were more...
Osiris: la historia y el legado del antiguo dios egipcio de los muertos
África puede haber sido la cuna de los primeros seres humanos, y Egipto probablemente levantó la primera gran civilización que, cinco mil años después, continúa fascinando a las sociedades modernas de todo el globo. Desde la Biblioteca y el Faro...
Osiris: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Egyptian God of the Dead
*Includes pictures*Includes ancient accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingTo the ancient Egyptians, as was the case with any society made up of inquiring humans, the world was a confusing and often terrifying place of destruction, death and...
Ra: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Egyptian God of the Sun
Africa may have given rise to the first human beings, and Egypt probably gave rise to the first great civilizations, which continue to fascinate modern societies across the globe nearly 5,000 years later. From the Library and Lighthouse of Alexandria...
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