ISBN: 0865433720
"This book deals with an aspect of human history and experience often suppressed or misrepresented. It raises the question: Who are the Jews and what is their proper place in history? Mr. Malcioln presents to his readers a much more convincing answer than that of other authors better known than he." -Dr. John Henrik, Clarke, author of Africans at the Crossroads

"[Dr. Malcioln] demonstrates the relationship between Black Hebrews and White Jews, Arabic-speaking Africans and Arabs. [This book] is important for members of all monotheistic religions that originated in the same region to understand their own ancient beginnings and their ancestral ties to each other. History as it relates to the common origin of man, without self-serving revisions by European historians, is not a subject most publications and bookstores are prepared to handle." -Amsterdam News, New York.

This book has a two-fold purpose; to demonstrate to Black and White Hebrews their undeniable kinship and to encourage a better relationship among Israelites through understanding of that kinship. In this seminal work, Dr. Malcioln attempts to answer the fundamental question of the relationship between Africa and the Hebrews or Jews. This historical study will show the contributions made before and after certain periods of Jewish dispersion from Africa.

About the Author

Jose V. Malcioln was born in Panama of a Moroccan-Hebrew mother. He was taught in the New York school system for many years. He has also taught in Mexico, Spain, Amherst, Brooklyn, Boricua, and Malcolm-King Colleges. He is a graduate of City College, NY, Baruch College, Columbia University, and obtained his Ph.D. at the Institute Ibero Americano, Madrid, Spain.
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