Friend or Foe: Brice Simpson Hood Mysteries

ISBN: 9781645560517

When former drug kingpin Keith "Big K" Turner is released from prison after serving 16 years, things aren't as they once were. Not only has the neighborhood he once reigned over changed; his entire family has changed as well. When his wife, Desiree, is found murdered, all fingers point to Big K's enemies in the streets. But that may be just the way the killer wants it to seem.  

When Detective Brice Simpson, the newly dubbed "hood detective" takes the case, he sets out to find the killer just like with any other case. But Detective Simpson soon finds himself up against some of the hood's most dangerous people, some of whom he grew up with. With his loyalties being tested, Detective Simpson soon realizes that no matter how street smart he is, no one in the hood can be eliminated as a suspect in Desiree's murder. 

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